Navigating Sustainability: Boating that Protects Ecosystems

boat in the water

In recent years, awareness of environmental issues has surged to the forefront of global consciousness. This shift extends to all areas of life, including boating.

However, sustainable power boating isn’t a fad; it’s a lifestyle that not only helps the environment but also benefits you as a boat owner. Read on to see how you can commit to sustainable boating and the positive effect your actions will have on the ecosystem.

Reduce Carbon Emissions

Working to reduce carbon emissions is one of the best ways you can help the environment, and it is easily applied to boating. Many boaters are already completely carbon-free thanks to only using sails and oars, but there are times when you want more control, and you’ll need a powered solution. Fortunately, there are several ways you can use a powered engine without sacrificing your environmental protection at sea.

Choose HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) for Sustainable Boating

You can invest in electric or hybrid boat engines to reduce the need for diesel and harmful exhaust, but there are other options, too. Biofuels are becoming more available, with HVO currently being a great alternative. HVO is compatible with current diesel engines, which makes switching to it easy.

Diesel bugs are a common problem for engines using that fuel. Whilst not being actual insects, this term refers to a growth of microorganism sludge that needs to be cleaned out periodically to prevent solid material from entering your engine and causing damage. Diesel bugs will indirectly harm the ocean environment as these engine failures will lead to fuel spills and oil contaminating the local environment.

Biodegradable Cleaning Products

Maintaining a clean vessel ensures its safe operation and the absence of spreading contamination or rust to the nearby area, but you want to avoid inadvertently spreading cleaning chemicals that would harm nature. This is why you should choose biodegradable cleaning brands like Gamazyme.

Unitor Gamazyme FC

Products like this Unitor Gamazyme FC are distinguished by their advanced biodegradable cleaning formulations. This unique floor care product degrades and eliminates accumulated grease and other organic materials, particularly in high-usage areas like the galley.

The patented bacterial strains produce enzymes that target the more resilient fatty acid components of oils and fats, ensuring a thorough breakdown of these substances. Saying oils and fats sounds like just kitchen cleaners, but they are also found in spilt diesel oil on deck and impact some ocean fauna such as seaweeds.

Green Vessel Techniques

Green piloting in open water involves changing the way you navigate your vessel to optimise your usage. The main techniques are the following:

  • Optimising routes to reduce fuel consumption.
  • Avoiding sensitive marine habitats such as coral reefs and breeding grounds.
  • Maintaining a steady speed and utilising wind and current patterns to further reduce fuel use.

These practices not only conserve your resources but also protect marine ecosystems by minimising the impact of your presence. These, combined with sufficient waste management, will make everything you do virtually invisible and ensure future generations get to enjoy those reefs and other marine landmarks intact.

Regular Engine Maintenance for Sustainable Boating

Regular engine maintenance is essential for keeping your engine in optimal condition, which translates to better performance and reduced fuel consumption, which reduces your impact on the environment.

Routine tasks such as filter changes, impeller replacements, and oil changes are straightforward and can often be done by boat owners themselves. These simple DIY tasks can significantly enhance your engine’s efficiency, benefiting both the planet and your wallet by reducing the need for costly repairs and improving fuel economy.

Nalfleet Boiler Coagulant

Products like Nalfleet Boiler Coagulant supports engine maintenance by protecting your engine’s internal components. This sludge conditioner prevents deposits from forming on internal boiler surfaces, ensuring that sludge is dispersed into small particles that can be removed through normal blowdown processes.

By preventing tube overheating and removing minor oil contamination, this coagulant helps maintain the engine’s cleanliness and efficiency. However, it’s crucial to address any oil contamination immediately to prevent more serious issues. Combining these maintenance practices with regular use of quality products ensures your boating activities are eco-friendly and your engine remains in excellent condition.

Protecting The UK’s Inland Waterways

Sustainable boating practices are important for protecting ocean life, but they are even more important for our UK waterways, where the water volume is lower, and the journey from harmful action and impact is far shorter. All of the solutions we have discussed are just as relevant to inland boating as the ocean, but there are notable exceptions.

canal boat

Leave No Trace

Hikers and mountain climbers generally have a rule, “Everything we take in, we take out, leave no trace”, and this applies to sustainable inland boating, too. Make sure to keep your loose items and rubbish secured at all times to prevent them from being lost overboard and contaminating the waterway.

Additionally, you may think that tossing loose food and drinking water you don’t want overboard will be fine, but it will cause problems. Human-grade food will potentially disrupt the food chain by introducing elements foreign to marine nature.

Electric Boats Are the Future

The Inland Waterways Association (IWA) is campaigning for increased awareness and access to HVO biofuel and dredging, but they also want to set up over 300 electric charging points that will let boaters reduce their carbon emissions even further.

Inland power boating is an increasingly popular sport across the UK. Whether it is the serene peace of canal boating or the luxury yachting of larger vessels in the Lake District, England’s waterways are getting a lot of use, and it’s our responsibility to use them sustainably and keep them looking great for future generations.

If you are an avid inland boater and want to learn more from like-minded individuals, we recommend reading about the IWA Sustainable Boating Group and their publication ‘Vision Paper’, which shares their concepts of eco-friendly boating. Having been featured on Countryfile 2021, they are a great organisation to emulate when committing to sustainable boating.

Environmentally Safe Boating Products at Offshore Supply

Our range of environmentally conscious marine cleaning supplies guarantees that your boat’s needs are fully met with care and respect for the delicate marine ecosystem. Contact us today to have more information on our products. Choose Offshore Supply for a cleaner boat and a healthier planet!