A Brief History of Sea Shanties

As sailing enthusiasts, we’re no strangers to a sturdy ship and the rolling ocean beneath our feet. From peering into the depths of the ocean to delivering you with myths and legends of the deep, we’ve spoken a lot about the sea, but what about the lives of those aboard the ancient tall ships? What about the songs that made their journeys that much more enjoyable? Life Aboard the Tall Ships As you can imagine,

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Keep Your Deck in Ship Shape

boat front deck

Keeping your passengers safe on board should be the highest priority, and with the majority of their time spent on the deck, it only makes sense to create a secure environment by maintaining your ship’s flooring. The ship’s deck can incur all sorts of damages if the deck is not properly taken care of, as it has constant exposure to the elements. Water damage is, of course, the main concern, as it is obviously of

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Season’s Greetings from Offshore Supply!

fireworks at big ben

It’s hard to believe it, but that’s it for another year! If you’re anything like us, you’re probably nursing a full stomach from the sheer volume of tasty food that’s graced your plate over the last few days, and why not? We hope that Santa found time to bring you everything that you could have hoped for. With Christmas behind us and a New Year on the horizon, we thought we would take this opportunity

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4 Ways to Stop Sea-Sickness

person looking over side of boat

Setting sail for exotic lands can be the adventure of a lifetime – the journey often being the most exciting part of your travels, but it would be a shame to put a downer on the whole trip if your head is hanging off the edge of the boat due to sea-sickness. The whole point of a cruise is to experience your trip from the waves, but if every rock and sway inspires the compulsion

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Go Green: Environmental Friendly Sailing Tips

recycle graphic and hands

Whilst a lot of sailing is relatively environmentally friendly, there are still things that could cause big issues for the environment. This includes noise and waste pollution, disturbing marine life, and using cleaning materials that are damaging. So how can people make sure that they aren’t harming the environment whilst out on their boats? We’ve put together some environmental friendly sailing tips to help you out. Reduce Your Speed The UK is proud to have

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Picture Perfect: Snap Good Sailing Photos

person taking front-facing photo

When you’re out on a boat you’ll almost certainly see some exceptional sights; whether it’s a beautiful sea creature that you wouldn’t usually see or the natural ferocity of the roaring waves, you’ll probably want to capture some shots to share with landlubbers when you get back home. But unless you’re an absolute pro, it’s unlikely that you’re comfortable enough behind the camera to take those exceptional snaps without some advice… so here are our

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Set Sail for the Future: 3 Ways to Inspire the Next Generation of Sailors

children sailing on yatch in orange life jackets

Although many youngsters would prefer to be holed up in their rooms, playing on their game consoles all day, there are still a few children that like getting outside and doing something fun. Sailing is an incredibly rewarding activity, and we think that more parents should encourage their children to join them on their next sailing adventure! Let’s face it, there’s no better feeling than the fresh, crisp ocean air on your face! As expert

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Creatures of the Deep: Sperm Whale

sperm whale swimming

This time in our “Creatures of the Deep” blog series, we are going to take a closer look at one of the most interesting marine mammals on our planet- the sperm whale. These huge cetaceans roam the waters and can easily be identified by their large, square-shaped head which measures a third of its 49-59 foot body. So, what makes these marine mammals so interesting? Let’s take a look! They Have the Biggest Brain on

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Crossing the Atlantic? 4 Things You Should Know Before Making the Trip

sailing white sailed boat

Autumn is well underway, which means that the sailing season in Europe has just come to an end. Many people will now be thinking about making the long trip across the Atlantic to the Caribbean, leaving behind the cold weather and rainy days. In fact, this Atlantic crossing period happens every single winter. Around 4,000 sailors will brave the waters and make one of the most exciting sailing trips of their lives. As boat chandlers,

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Tips for Autumn and Winter Sailing

ship in storm on sea

Well, it’s official… the days are getting shorter, the nights are getting chillier and the clocks have gone back; autumn is well and truly upon us. Despite the weather being limiting and trying to prevent you from continuing your usual routine, if you’re like us you won’t let it. However, with sailing, there comes a selection of problems with winter, particularly with the weather reaching the most extreme of the year. Throughout winter and autumn,

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