Securing Your Vessel: Cleats, Bits, Chocks and Bollards

lovely boat in a marina

In the early stages of your nautical career, you are going to be asked to tie a boat to something sturdy to secure it in place and stop it floating away. Vessels and docks feature specific fixings for this very purpose, so we will take a look at four of the most common marine supplies for securing a vessel, which you will need to use aboard your boat. Cleats These are plastic, metal or wooden

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Five Tips To Refresh Your Pleasure Cruiser For 2018

boats in cue in the sea

Spring may seem a long time away, but there is no better time than the darkest winter nights to plan giving your pleasure cruiser a much-needed update for 2018. Maybe your boat had a tough year, or maybe you just want to make sure everything will run smoothly in 2018. Either way, there are some simple things you can do to make your cruiser feel brand new come April and launch time! 1. Freshen Up

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How to Change the Oil in your Pleasure Cruiser

woman stand up in a boat

Although you should have your boat professionally serviced each year before you lay it up for the winter, you can carry out small maintenance tasks yourself. One job that you can take on relatively easily is changing the oil. This is a job that ideally should be done every 100 hours or so of operation or at least annually. What You’ll Need • oil extractor pump • ‘earmuffs’ (if your boat is not in the

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How to Combat Sea Sickness

sea sickness

Although your pleasure boat can provide you with a smooth ride, you might encounter choppy conditions if you venture out to sea in pursuit of sport fishing. In extreme chop, even the most seasoned of sailors can suffer from seasickness. Here are some tips on how to keep your tummy settled, even in the liveliest of waters. What Causes Seasickness? Before attempting to cure or prevent seasickness, it’s helpful to understand what causes it. The

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What Maritime Safety Lessons Were Learned from the Sinking of the Titanic?

cruise ship

The RMS Titanic proudly set sail on 10 April, 1912. Sadly, disaster struck just four days later, when it hit an iceberg while crossing the Atlantic Ocean. It took just over two hours for the ship – at the time the biggest in the world – to sink, and with it more than 1,500 people lost their lives. While over the years the incident has been almost glamourised in film, television and books, it’s important

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Common Maritime Superstitions

boat knot

Historically, sailors have been a superstitious lot, and with good reason. Even today, workers in the fishing industry have one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, ranking only behind loggers in terms of mortality rates. Many of these superstitions have entered into common usage, often through film, literature, or other dramatisations. By far the most well-known of sailors’ superstitions revolve around bad luck. Sailing on a Friday One of the most enduring maritime

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Preparing Your Pontoon Boat for Winter

mean cleaning a boat wearing yellow clothes

Now that the colder months have arrived, it’s time to prepare your pontoon boat for storage. Although this task can appear daunting at first, carrying out these basic maintenance jobs can help to keep your boat ‘ship shape’ for many seasons to come. Here’s how to prepare your pontoon boat for its winter hibernation: 1. Deep Clean The first thing to do is give your boat a thorough clean. Take off everything which is not

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How to Name Your Vessel and Why It Matters

boat named Angel

Your boat is your pride and joy and keeping it in top condition is on the top of your priority list. However, before you start sailing the seas, you should consider giving your offshore companion a title. As a boater, it is a rite of passage to christen your watercraft with a fitting name and, while it can also be an enjoyable and creative task reflecting your personality, there are also a few guidelines you

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End of Season Maintenance Tips For Your Pleasure Cruiser

boat front deck

As the summer boating and fishing season ends, you’ll want to be sure that your pleasure boat is in fine fettle and ready for action when you bring her out after the winter. Here’s a useful checklist to help you make sure you’ve got everything covered. Batteries First of all, check that your batteries are holding their charge properly. You should find a CTEK charging port on your dash that has LED charge state indicator

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Lost Ship USS Indianapolis Found After 72 Years

sunken ship and a man scuba diving

On August 19th 2017, it was announced that the wreckage of USS Indianapolis had been located in the Philippine Sea. The vessel was a U.S. Navy cruiser which was used in WWII and was destroyed by a Japanese submarine on July 30th 1945. Partly due to the speed at which the vessel sunk, sadly, only 316 of the 1,196 sailors on board survived. 72 years later, the wreckage of the vessel has been discovered by

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