How to Weather Any Storm

boat on a sea storm

As much as you might wish, it can’t always be smooth sailing out on the open sea. Storms come and they go, there is not much you can do about this fact. The best you can do is be prepared for them, this means knowing how to react when you suspect a storm is incoming and doing a little bit more than simply donning your waterproofs. With that in mind, how do you ensure that

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A Hidden Language: The Meaning of Semaphore

semaphore flag signals

The sea can be a mysterious place; an expanse of open water that seems to stretch on forever. But, not everything at sea should be a complete mystery. It is important, after all, for you to understand what other sailors may be trying to communicate to you from their boats. There is a number of ways that your fellow seafarers may try and send these messages. One such way that they may try to inform

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The Rules of Flag Etiquette

red flag

The etiquette of flags is usually a combination of law and years of marine tradition that dictates marine behaviour. Not understanding the obligations of the sea can lead to insult to either your fellow Brits or other citizens of the world. The rules of flags are an essential part of sailing, so you must ensure to have the right flag in the correct position in order to sail with peace of mind. It is also

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The Etiquette of the Sea

boat front deck

Sometimes it is easy to forget that you share the water with other boaters. But, sometimes the horizon can bring another seafaring wanderer with it. Do you know the best practice in this situation? If not, it’s best to brush up on what is correct when you’re sharing the waves. What are the rules of the ocean? How can you ensure that your fellow sailors don’t consider you to be impolite? Water Right of Way

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Three Important Things to Consider in Boat Design

kids sailing

Being out on the open water is a great feeling. You get to relax with none of the hustle and bustle of urban or rural life, and it is a great way to spend a day with your family, friends or just by yourself. However, there are some serious considerations when looking at a boat’s design, such as what you will be using the boat for, and where will you be using it? Sails The

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The Issues Surrounding Sea Cleanliness

water getting into a river

The Earth is a place in the universe that is two thirds water; only a third is land and this is the part we inhabit. As we begin to grow as a population the strain on our oceans also grows. The overall water quality of the world is slowly declining as a result of pollution. Industrialization has seen a vast increase in our technological capabilities, but it has also seen the ocean become full of

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The Best Sea Movies – Part One

What do you do when you are ashore and leave the watery landscape of the sea behind? Watch films that heavily feature the ocean of course! Land lubbers and sea farers alike can agree that a good sea movie is a captivating affair; the wide variety to choose from can attest to that. In fact, sometimes it feels as there is too much choice. So, what are the best movies with a watery theme? Jaws

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The World’s Largest Cruise Ship Docks in the UK

ocean liner boat

Yesterday the world’s largest cruise ship made berth in Southampton, UK. The Harmony of the Seas is an astonishingly large vessel; measuring 362 metres it can carry a hefty 6,780 passengers. Two years, £783 million, twenty restaurants and twenty three swimming pools has gone into the recipe for this behemoth. It only set sail in March for the first time, and its stay in Southampton will last until the 22 May when it will head to

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The Weirdest Fish in the Sea

jawfish in blue and yellow colours

There are plenty of fish in the sea, so they say, but when they look like this you will wish there weren’t! At Offshore Supply we know that the ocean is a deeply unexplored and fantastic world, full of more alien life than the stars above us (as far as we have discovered to date anyway). It is home to some of the weirdest animals on the planet, here is a small selection of these

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The Fate of Boaty McBoatface

polar bear

We had been eagerly awaiting to hear the result of the Boaty McBoatface vote, but alas our wait has ended in tragedy. The BBC has officially reported that the new polar research ship will be named after famed naturalist David Attenborough. So in 2019 it will be the RRS Sir David Attenborough that sails from the Merseyside boat yard. However, though the main ship will not hold the unique name, it has been given to

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